Friday, August 29, 2008

Hawaii Photos

Beach Day...Kailua Beach with Rain and Katie

Cheesy Lillian...out to dinner
Kisses before Honolulu
Hill sliding with Daddy...North Shore

Frolicking in the ocean...North Shore

Corndogging...North Shore

Hula dancing with baby Cassidy,
before the luau started

Family Fun
Dark and hard to see...
but this is Lillian making her stage debut
xo -ag

More August Fun...with Photos

I nearly forgot to mention another event that made our month of August so awesome...
it started with a visit with Nikki and Derek and baby Kai...well their visit was ending, but the month was just beginning. We hosted a little BBQ party for old swim friends and everyone had a least that is what they said. I didn't take many photos, but here is one of The Brown's with the Hart/Matthews family.

Lillian and Paige in the bathtub...
Lillian and Paige have a sort of love / hate thing going on.
Since her visit, Paige has been blamed for many things in our house...
sure Lillian, Paige did it.

And the beginning of August marked the end of Parent Tot swim class at Lomas. We did enjoy our days at the pool, Lillian does like the water...she just doesn't want to put her eyes in...
maybe next summer...

xo -ag

Don't worry I am alive...

Thank you dear anonymous for joking me about my lack of recent post... I will play catch up in the form of an extremely long post about the month of August!

August has been a wonderful month.

Swim team ended with our Championship Meet on August 2nd, we came in 2nd place overall (Fallbrook beat us, again). It was a nice meet, the kids did well...our party was on the 6th, we gave away some special awards to the right kids and really touched some parents, while making a big impact on the swimmers. So, all in all it was very successful and it will be a nice way to go out. Yes, this was my last summer coaching swim team at Lomas, I will miss my little sharks, but I've had a great run and I don't regret one moment of it.

On the 8th, Lillian and I joined to Ott family in a pre-birthday celebration for Devlin's 6th crazy that Dev is six, I just cannot believe it. I remember the day Greta told me she was pregnant, it seems like yesterday...

On the 9th, we hopped on an airplane and headed to Hawaii for a little vacation. Lillian was great on the plane, but wasn't all that thrilled with Hawaii...actually she really wasn't all that thrilled about Pete & Katie's nephew Rain...oh well, we just kept them apart...Lillian did have some good times frolicking on the ocean and rolling around in the sand...and we went to a luau at Sealife Park. That was the highlight for Lillian, for sure. She even got on stage without her mommy or daddy and danced (with a zillion other people and she didn't really dance she stared, but it was pretty funny). It was a very mellow, relaxing vacation and Pete and Katie were very kind to let us stay with them...especially on the last day when Lillian decided to pee on the coach and the floor...good times.

We returned home to a gutted kitchen...surprise. Ok, it wasn't really a surprise, and it was nice that the major demo was done while we weren't home. More on the kitchen later.

On the 15th, less than 24 hours after returning home from Hawaii, I jumped back on another airplane, for a much shorter flight to Oakland with my mom and Greta. We went up to help Maja celebrate her 30th birthday! Hooray Maja. It was very fun...we free of small people, did some shopping, lots of eating, and lots of cackling. Josh was a very good sport and did not get grumpy with us at all! Happy Birthday, Maja!

Once we returned home, it was back to work for me. Inservices days, planning, prepping, preparing classrooms...oh so fun! I was on going to teach one class period and I did that all this past week, but we are opening up 2 sections of math, so I am picking both those up. I am excited about it, Jeff was a bit grumpy, but I think it will work out ok for the family.

On the 27th, Jeff and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary. I got out our wedding photo album and we looked at it with Lillian. She was very excited and could name so many people in the photos! We had a nice dinner out as a family...Happy Anniversary Jeff...time flies when you are having fun!

So that's August in a nutshell. xo -ag

Friday, August 1, 2008

Just Kidding...

This is my new favorite photo...I swear...

xo -ag

Three in one day...

Crazy, I know, but I just downloaded a bunch of photos and need to post before I forget or get too busy...

I think this is my new favorite picture of Lillian, we did another dinner / sail last weekend...and we actually put up the main sail. I love sailing, not motoring...sailing is so peaceful, relaxing, enjoyable...all you hear is the wind in the sail, the water slapping against the boat, an occasional seal, it's just awesome...anyway, this is lillian watching Jeff raise the main sail...she was in awe...

Our favorite destination...the seal buoy

Family boating fun...

xo -ag

Lillian and Kai

Too cute...xo -ag

Friday Fun

Hooray for Friday, Hooray for swim team almost being over, Hooray for Nikki, Derek, and Kai being in town, hooray, hooray, hooray!

Found this Friday Fill-In and thought why not.

1. If I could travel back in time, I'd go to the 50's to see you Grandma Shirley and my Grandpa Tom, when they were in love...before Tommy got sick, etc...

2. Give me wine or give me a margarita.

3. I am listening to absolutely nothing except the clicky clack of my typing, and the hum of the computer.

4. Somewhere, someone is thinking it's time for a drink (it is Friday, you know)!

5. I'll always be loud and silly

6. My idea of a good time includes friends, family, food, and wine...I see a theme developing.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to dinner out with Nikki, Derek, Kai, and hopefully Will and Kristin, tomorrow my plans include a yard party with lots of kidlets and old friends and Sunday, I want to relax a bit, and get rolling on the kitchen remodel!

Not really as fun as I had hoped, but fun just the same....I think I am going to go get on the trainer...xo -ag