Saturday, May 24, 2008


We went to the Home Depot today to get a quote on a kitchen makeover. Clint, the man who helped us wearing a pink shirt...looked great with his orange Home Depot apron. He is fairly new to his job and keep asking his boss type, Steve, for help...well, Steve joined our discussion and made a comment about the pink shirt...Clint swore it was the color Salmon, not pink...Steve quirked back, that doesn't look like the Salmon I ate last night...poor Clint, left blushing a few shades deeper than his pink, I mean Salmon, shirt...

Rocking some oldies but goodies for pink'd think that I would have been very inspired by pink, it is my favorite color and all. And since having Lillian, I have even done loads of laundry that are nearly all pink...but I spent the day doing home depot fun and yard here's what I got...

Photos in Macy's in New York City...
this is the actual ball they drop on New Year's in Time Square...

Two little cute girls in pinkness

Silly Lilly in lots of pink...her outfit was purchased in Australia

And of course, a flower picture...from our trip to Tucson in April

Friday, May 23, 2008

I pick a color and the color is...


I know, that really never happens, when you pick a color, well, you pick a color. My mom even questioned whether I picked real colors at all...anyway, today is a day of white. Here is Oceanside it was a gray day, no blue sky with beautiful clouds like Nikki got pictures of...but I went on a house search for white while Lillian was taking a bubble bath, so here is the things I found...

Lillian in the bath...had to start there right...

If you ever come to play at our house and it's nap time or bedtime, you will see Jeff or I with our favorite accessory since the birth of Lillian...
the baby monitor.

Shells from the beach in Bali, we spent many days at the beach on our honeymoon, Jeff surfing, me laying in the sun, walking along the shore gathering shells...the small white ones where extra special. There was a little old lady that gathered them everyday and make bracelets and necklaces to sell to the tourists, we couldn't really communicate to each other all that well,
but we spent hours gathering shells together.

White bedding in our blue bedroom

Scooby's paw print...I have plans to make a stepping stone and incorporating this into it...Putting Scooby paw prints on a stepping was on my to-do list, but I waited too long, and before I knew it I ran out of time. We got this from the Circle of Life crematorium.

Speaking of dogs, here are our Scottie dog salt and pepper shakers. These belonged to Grandma & Grandpa Brown...they were Scottish...
and I have always had a thing for Scottie dogs...
can you guess who is salt and who is pepper?

Wearing white on your wedding day...

That's all my whiteness...Hope your day was clean, white, fun...xo-ag

Thursday, May 22, 2008

orange...the color you can eat

Today, Lillian and I searched for orange...

It rained a bit this morning,
which means only one thing when you are 2 years old...
RAIN BOOTS! Pretty pink and orange ones that are a bit too big...

Then we headed out for a trip to the Wild Animal Park...
Lillian chased some geese (they have orange feet)

I spy a GIRAFFE (that counts as orange...doesn't it?), I love to take photos of flowers...these are in the backyard

Orange is happy, it's fun in the sun, it's juicy and sweet. It's also caution, Halloween, and fall...but right now orange is feeling summery to me! See you tomorrow for good clean white fun!...xo -ag

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


So I was very inspired by my sister Maja, and I had lofty plans to craft something up for red...but no luck, I did do a brief bit of sewing but it's not coming together as nicely as I had hoped...oh well, I tried.

Red is supposedly my color, or at least that is always what my mom tells look so good in red...and I have done my best to wear red when I can. In high school, I had a small thing for red dresses...I was even in that silly airband...I was Annie as in Annie are you ok? Are you ok, Annie? I wore a red dress (a poorly constructed one at that)...and I was dancing...well, they kicked me out because I cannot dance...I really don't know how I ever ended up in that airband anyway...

I gave myself the day to think about red, and I tried to avoid taking pictures of plants, even though I could easily find red plants in my yard that I love. I thought about red as I drove to work, I thought about red at work, and on my way home...and I kept getting stuck on this red dress...

My sisters called this the sleeping bag dress. My mom spent hours working with that beautiful red satin...I picked the pattern, fretted over ever detail. Yeah, what was I thinking? I also wore this in the Miss Encinitas pageant...but in the pageant it had big puffy sleeves and no rhinestones, we added those for my senior prom. I thought that I looked very foxy, fashionable, and mature...

So my quest to take photos of the photos of that dress...took me on a stroll down memory lane...and yes I have wore a lot of red dresses...

This is sideways, but oh well...a family trip to Mexico ...wearing our matching dresses, sorry Maja, apparently that didn't make it in your size...This trip is probably why we did very little traveling as a family...3 cackling, bickering children, one broken down car, 1 million cockroaches...good times!

Dressed up pretty for Maja's 6th grade graduation...I was in 10th grade and I thought I was hot shit...check out the shoulder pads!

My favorite high school dance photo ever, and my favorite high school dance dress ever, again constructed my Joanie...Jim Bradbury at La Jolla Country Day's formal...I was a little nervous that I was going to be too fancy that night...for some reason I didn't understand that when you are rich and live in Rancho, wearing a button up shirt, tie, and slacks that you own was as fancy as renting a lame I tried to dumb down my outfit...I didn't do my hair, I wore a silly digital watch, and when Jim picked me up I was wearing my uggs instead of heels (I brought them along, though)...maybe that is why I had so much fun in the dress and at this dance...

Not a dress but a picture of me and Jeff at Grandma Shirley's house. I found it in her stash of photos and swiped it. Not exactly the best photo of us, but I like to look at it and wonder what we were thinking about at this time in our relationship, about each other, about my family...and I love how young Jeff looks... Hot stuff, that red...xo -ag

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


This is the green photo I had in mind for today. These are the leaves from the ficus tree that Jeff and I removed from our backyard. It was a big ugly tree, and I really didn't like it. Why? because I hate raking after 4 years of living with it, I convinced Jeff to chop it down. The leaves really are pretty in the photo, just not so much in real life.

So today, as I looked though all my photos I found lots of good green shots. Lush green landscape photos from vacations, the green in Mikayla's wedding, photos of plants...tons of I am trying to pick my favorites, the best greens I've got...

Variegated bamboo at the z-o-o
Lovely green vine thing growing near the ocean in Kauai
the plants and shells used in Mikayla & Brian's wedding

Scooby in an apron...he was such a good sport Blankey time, Lilly and Scooby
Family hike with Pete & Katie in Kailua
Lillian at her first baseball game
in her pink Padres hat with a green frog
Lillian painted herself green...
this is the day she spilt her lip and got stitches
Silly Maja in a green dress...Josh is silly, too
Kiwi you see the heart?
Hope you had a great green day...xo -ag

Monday, May 19, 2008


Oxalis regnelii atropurpurea - fun color & easy to grow

Sprinkler favorite to use,
we are in the process of trying to make our grass look really pretty and green for Mikayla's baby shower on the 31st, so our life is currently all about watering...

Lillian & I painted today, this is my secret message watercolor...
A + J, ahhh!

My first purchased Majajane bag...
now hanging in Lillian's room filled with her sunglasses

playing hooky from work today...Lillian is on the mend from some bouts with barfing (at 5am), diarrhea, and running a her mommy stayed home to give her extra loving!

Lillian sporting some purple big girl panties...gotta love her booty!

Hope your Monday is filled with purplicious fun! xo- ag

p.s. I dared some of my friends to play color week...check their blogs to see if they do...

Nikki, Greta, Maja, Marisa, Sandy ??? Who's in??

Let's play...

Color Week...

So, I have invited my blogging friends to join in a photo color week,
use the color of the day for photo inspiration...

Monday - purple
Tuesday - green
Wednesday - red
Thursday - orange
Friday - white
Saturday - pink
Sunday - blue

This beautiful iris bloomed in my yard today

and inspired me to find lots of purple things to take photos of, which got me thinking about playing color week, why not...Lillian randomly picked the other colors for the week. Hope you join me for some photo postings...xo -ag

Friday, May 16, 2008


to Friday nights, yahoo...and

to my sister friends in Tucson visiting Grandma Shirley, and making the trip a fisaco, which makes me jealous that I am missing it

to my mom for being herself...and helping me

to my teacher friends at work...I like you all

to making big girl beds not scary

to the dolphins we watched play in the ocean tonight

to the yard not being fing dry

to The Office...that show is just too funny

all these with a glass of wine...

yum...xo -ag

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Big Girl...

Lillian is now officially a big girl...she reminds us daily. Don't you dare call her a baby, she will instantly correct you..."no, I not a baby, I a big girl." So, we got her a big girl bed to celebrate! She helped us pick it out, and she got to help daddy with the tools to set it up. So exciting!

Saying good-bye to her crib

Hello big bed

First sleep in her new's so comfy!

She is also convinced that she grows while she when she woke up from her nap she showed me how even her feet grew while she was sleeping...she's silly and very cute...we just love her to pieces...xo -ag