Today marks Day 1 of Lillian's new bedtime routine, and I am happy to report it was successful-
ish. She didn't go to sleep until 9:30pm BUT she didn't cry, play, get out of her bed, whine...nothing, well she chatted to herself a bit, but she went to sleep alone! HOORAY!
It's a good thing, because I was about ready to sell her...I already had the ad planned in my head...For sale by owner - 2 1/2 year old little girl. Very tan, cute, smart, and fun. Turns into a crazy person at bedtime... Anyway, I made a groovy sticker chart with each step of her bedtime routine listed with picture, we reviewed it a zillion times today...and I waited to get started until 8
ish and it worked! I'm so happy! Jeff offered Lillian a special prize if she could follow her routine like a big girl for 3 nights in a row...he thought maybe the zoo, or sea world, no...Lillian would to go to Finn's house as her prize...
So, that is what's new around here...just enjoying the summer day by day! I will post a picture of Lillian's chart once I snap one, I am really proud of my handy work...
xo -
agupdated to add

Day 2 of the new routine...would be called a nap, in bed by 8pm, lots of crying (too tired) and lots of needing mommy's love...oh well, she slept until 7:45am this morning...
Day 3...nice nap, started bedtime routine at 8pm (I set the kitchen timer)...asleep by 9:30pm, but needed lots of repetition / review of the routine and Lillian is trying to break all the rules, as usual...
My hope is that by day 10 I can say the routine is a no brainer...we will see...xo -ag