Sunday, February 17, 2008


That's so silly, mommy. It's Lillian's new phrase...about everything. And now it's becoming my phrase...that's so silly

She also really wants to go on a hairplane to Ha-why...that would be fun. She found my Hawaiian Visa card in my wallet and decided that we needed to go. How she knew that the Hawaiian card was the Hawaiian card I don't know...

Lillian has renamed the doll that sits on our guest bed. She is named Agatha, but now she will be know as Greta. That's so silly.

We have recently revamped our night time routine...and have been watching way less TV...from at least 1-2 hours a day to only one show (about 30 minutes). She watches the show after she takes her bath, I get her in her jammies in front of the choice Backyardagins...Race Around the World. So now anytime she wants to watch TV instead of asking she says, I need to take a bath...

xo -ag

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