Sunday, July 20, 2008

House guests

I love having house guests, I really's just that easy sort of fun. I look forward to chatting in the am over coffee and watching silly tv and more chatting at night! That's my kind of fun...mellow, easy fun!

Maja and Josh just left today...they arrived last Sunday and stayed a whole week, our office become their little SD home while they had visits with friends and family...Maja does most of the visiting and Josh is along for the ride...I hope they had a good trip down, we always enjoy having them...and they probably don't believe me since they got to witness some awesome arguments and endless Lillian crying at night...ahh, good times.

Here are some photo highlights...
Maja snuggles with Lillian as she wakes up from her nap

Cool Pool Party

Family Outing to Pannikin in Leucadia

3 the Space OTTessey

More house guest coming up is a visit from Nikki, Derek, and their baby Kai. We can't wait. It has been a summer full of friends and family, so much fun! Hooray! xo -ag


Nikki said...

Your summer looks like so much fun. Guests, camping, sailing. It is perfect!

We can't wait to see you! And hang out a lot!! I'll call soon to touch base.

We took Kai swimming this weekend. He LOVED it. he loves doing anything, loves all new things. Does not like sleeping recently, but oh well.

greta ott said...

I like the pool party photo. hope there were chips!