When you are in a routine, I guess you just don't notice how quickly the days and weeks and months go by...and suddenly it's June, my last week of work begins tomorrow, I am having a baby in 6 1/2 weeks, and wow, the last time I updated my blog was in February...where does the time go...
I remember thinking about how I would be feeling and how things would be going in our household when I just thought I may be pregnant, how would Lillian be acting, would I be able to keep up with her and her needs / demands? How big would I get? So far so good, everything has been rolling along smoothly, we are all excited to meet this baby.
We have filled the past months with the daily grind...Mondays - Jeff and I work and Grandma Joanie watches Lillian. I meet them at hula at 4pm for Lillian class, she began in taking classes in March and just danced in her first ho'ike. She loves hula and is such a good listener in class...too bad I don't get that same level of attention and respect at home...Tuesdays and Thursdays, Jeff and I work and Lillian goes to preschool...we love Kids by the Sea and so does Lillian, she goes full day...I drop her off around 7:40 and pick her up around 4pm...then we scramble to make dinner, take a bath, watch a show, and go to bed by 7pm...Wednesdays and Fridays are our free days, no work for the girls, and we run errands, go to doctor's appointments, and try to squeeze in some fun here and there...each week continues with the same...a little variety in what we do on our days off, but overall, it's the same plan each week.
I have taken the camera quite a few places, I have taken pictures and thought of what I could blog about, but in the end, I never did any of it...by the time Lillian's asleep, I sit down at the computer, read facebook, maybe email a friend or two, and then it's either grading time or TV time...and then off to bed...blogging hasn't been a priority, but I love when my friends tell me they still check my blog...hey even I check it from time to time to see if there is anything new...silly me. But, we have been here a great time, enjoying family time at the Zoo, the WAP, the park, the beach, the boat, the pier...we celebrated Easter (and forehead stitches), Jeff's birthday, we have been to birthday parties galore, a few wedding (where Lil has gotten to bond with Lanna), and watched a bit too much tv...but we are loving our days, even if they just fly by...It is time for us to kick it into high gear and get ready for baby Todo Super Why Brown, maybe next week...
Here's some photos highlights...from the past few months...
Lillian's first Ho'ike with Kehulili O' Kailani-June 6th
Lillian and Finn...
Getting ready to "feel the beat"
Sharing a milkshake at Ruby's on the Pier
Daddy's girl...on the pier-May 31st
Outer Space...art from school - May 28
Flying her fishy kite at the beach - May 16th
My belly, nearly naked...May 16th...30 weeks
Playing at Marshall Park - May 15th
Yahoo..did MOM yell at you like she did me..do get you back on the blog train...It's nice to see some photos of silly Lilly...I'll see you soon.
love the post. i am glad you blogged again. love the pictures. so cute! lillian, finn, your belly. everything. so cute. i remember jeff's birthday party four years ago....fun times!!!! so so so fun. miss you. love you. keep blogging. i need something to read now that my house is a jungle of babies and i am stranded inside:)
Yay! You're back! Such a fun surprise to see a new post! Love the photos :)
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