Sunday, February 24, 2008

Rain Rain

Apparently there is some sort of blogdom that has set posts please. I don't have much that is exciting or newsworthy, but here are the thing on my mind tonight...

Had a good observation review at work...our principal rocks and is so good at giving constructive criticism, he totally motivates me to do better and to become a better teacher, I like it!

My grandma shirley has been in AZ with my aunt, and it got bad, but now it's getting better. It's going to be a rough road, I just hope we can keep it all together...each time we stumble, we learn something, at least I hope. I know that I come to understand the characters better with each new chapter, but I stand to understand how to deal with them's a work in progress

apparently I don't know how to take care of stuff...but even though I suck, we are going to get some new appliances and we are going to fancy up our house a bit...we will probably stay here as long as we can...

totally...I say it too much and now Lillian has been saying it...totally hilarious.

my washer is dying...he lives outside with the dryer, both are aging well before there time, it must be the environment...anyway, the little tab that the lid hits when it is closed is broken...I must have slammed the lid down too hard (see above about my lack of proper care)...we are now using a pencil to hold the lever down...if it ain't broke...

birth stories...I really really need to write mine for Lillian...write the stories down because you will not remember all the important details...believe me. I have finally started to complete Lillian's first year scrapbook...oh she's two...I have only gone up until she was 3 months old...YIKES...and the feeling now are so different than they were then...

speaking of, my wonderful, awesome friend Nikki wrote her baby Kai a letter on her made me all teary and made me remember how wonderful that brand new first baby high really was...maybe I do want another...I just keep turning my current life soundtrack up so I don't hear my clock...ticking, tick tock

xo - ag

1 comment:

greta ott said...

nothing gets by...
xo, sis