I know, that really never happens, when you pick a color, well, you pick a color. My mom even questioned whether I picked real colors at all...anyway, today is a day of white. Here is Oceanside it was a gray day, no blue sky with beautiful clouds like Nikki got pictures of...but I went on a house search for white while Lillian was taking a bubble bath, so here is the things I found...
Lillian in the bath...had to start there right...

If you ever come to play at our house and it's nap time or bedtime, you will see Jeff or I with our favorite accessory since the birth of Lillian...
the baby monitor.

Shells from the beach in Bali, we spent many days at the beach on our honeymoon, Jeff surfing, me laying in the sun, walking along the shore gathering shells...the small white ones where extra special. There was a little old lady that gathered them everyday and make bracelets and necklaces to sell to the tourists, we couldn't really communicate to each other all that well,
but we spent hours gathering shells together.

White bedding in our blue bedroom

Scooby's paw print...I have plans to make a stepping stone and incorporating this into it...Putting Scooby paw prints on a stepping was on my to-do list, but I waited too long, and before I knew it I ran out of time. We got this from the Circle of Life crematorium.

Speaking of dogs, here are our Scottie dog salt and pepper shakers. These belonged to Grandma & Grandpa Brown...they were Scottish...
and I have always had a thing for Scottie dogs...
can you guess who is salt and who is pepper?

Wearing white on your wedding day...
That's all my whiteness...Hope your day was clean, white, fun...xo-ag