So, here's to Scooby...he was truly one of a kind! He brought us immeasurable happiness, love and joy. We will forever be happy that he was in our lives...jeff, agatha, and lillian
We love you, Scooby!
June 1, 1996 - April 28, 2008
This is the email I sent out to friends and family...and yeah, it pretty much has been the roughest experience of my life, so far. Our house is very empty and quiet, I miss my dog, but I know in my heart we did the right thing, and it was what we had to do. I just keep trying to repeat to myself...don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. But, it is still hard, and it is hard to talk about...just ask the bunco girls...$10 therapy is what we should really call it.
So, the response to the email was amazing, and the kind words and thoughts of our friends and family really I am going to share a few of them here...
*I just want you to know that Scooby was the luckiest dog ever to have such a wonderful life with you guys. The best we can do is love them with all of our hearts knowing that there is only a limited amount of time to do so. Scooby was a good dog, I will always remember him with fondness.
*He was what every dog owner wants and what every dog aspires to be...loved.
*So sorry to hear of Scooby's death. He was a great dog. I remember when you got him. You were walking him down Crest Drive and I was out front. He was so handsome. I remember what a good sport he was with Zoe and Tallulah. I remember playing the "I like Big Butts" song and watching his butt wiggle.
*I remember when you first got him as a puppy... can't believe it was so long ago. He was lucky to have such a loving family to live a long, happy life with. We'll miss him, too.
*lots of memories about that dog---first time you got him and we took him skating at the fed x banks, halloween parties with those bunny ears on his butt and late night sessions of him pulling us on our skateboards down neptune wayyy too fast---i know he was a special part of your fam much more than a dog--and you gave him about a good of a life as any dog could have--every dog only wishes to be soo lucky--he will be missed and just sending positive vibes and love to you guys
*Scooby was such a good, good dog with such a good soul. I am so glad he picked you. You gave him the life every puppy dreams of and more.
*I am sorry to hear about Scooby. He was the one that introduced me to Boxer crazyness.
*he was still the best dog i ever lived with. keep your heads up cause he was happy and well loved his entire life
Ahhh, dogs...they really are super. Give yours some extra lovin' tonight...and thanks for letting me heal my heart here...xo - ag
1 comment:
is it weird when you post a comment on your own blog..maybe, but maybe not. I have been feeling sad and missing my doggie a lot yesterday and today. I just miss him, and I miss always having someone near me to listen, someone else in the house to entertain Lillian, just having that extra buddy around. Lillian talked about Scooby a lot today...she must feel my sorrow...she does have a stuffed boxer dog, uncle ryan and "auntie" vanessa gave it to her when she was a baby, it's from build-a-bear named Scrappy..but Lillian calls it Scooby, and had to pet him today, and snuggle him. She told me all about her Scooby who liked to say woof and aoooh, who liked to wiggle and run. It just makes me sad...I miss you scooby...xo-ag
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