Thursday, December 31, 2009
while polishing some shoes, including Lillian's new boots that got handed down from Devlin, I was explaining why we can polish them...they are leather, and leather is from a cow...Lillian says, Oh, did a cow used to wear these boots? Yes, Lillian, that's why they are cowboy boots...sometimes you just have to roll with it...xo -ag
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
December has been a busy month...both with all the holiday hoopla and with Mr. Thomas. He is growing so fast...and getting to be such a big boy...he still loves his sissy, giggles almost on command, and is mostly happy! I still wish he would sleep longer...but he falls asleep easily and back to sleep easily, so I'm not going to complain (that much). He's have hit some notable milestones this month...his Bla Bla tiger is going to have to change his name many times this month...
First, he sat...barely, but he sat, nose touching the floor, but he got stronger day by day! first sit November 27th
First, he sat...barely, but he sat, nose touching the floor, but he got stronger day by day! first sit November 27th
Then to my surprise, he rolled over, from back to front (honestly, I didn't think he was ever going to roll over)! December 22
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
Hooray for Christmas Morning...presents under the tree, a relaxing morning with the family. Lillian loves her ballet/tap things, she can't wait to start her class. Her Kitty Piano was also a huge hit and she spent the morning arranging her dolls and stuffies for the show, which involved singing, dancing, and piano playing! Thomas loved his new dog, but I think Lillian liked his toys more. Grandma Terry and Grandpa Malcolm's house brought some fun time spent with family. Lillian gave up on opening her presents once she made it about 75% through, daddy had to help her finish the rest. Thomas was a gamer through most of his, but then got hunger...and I was the last person left opening gifts...we all got wonderful gifts from our very generous family. Our king sized bed was covered with gift bags that we had to go through and organize...biggest hits with Lil - her Beach Party Barbie (from Aunt Barbie) that rides a bike and has a dog, Fairy jewelry box from Aunt Susie, and her marble maze & animal masks from Grandma Terry & Grandpa Malcolm. Thomas loved his new exersaucer...and Jeff and I got a big stand heater for the roof!
Gifts are great, but my greatest happiness came from watching Lillian give out her glittered sand dollars to everyone and giving Grandma & Grandpa their handmade bags. Both kids also got to spend some special time with their family, one-on-one, Lillian playing with Aunt Barbie and Thomas giggling away with Aunt's so nice to watch my kids make others so happy. It was a small group and a mellow day, which was the perfect end to the holiday season. I really enjoyed my December Days...and Nights.
So to all my friends and family, I am sending you much love and joy this Christmas. xo - ag
Gifts are great, but my greatest happiness came from watching Lillian give out her glittered sand dollars to everyone and giving Grandma & Grandpa their handmade bags. Both kids also got to spend some special time with their family, one-on-one, Lillian playing with Aunt Barbie and Thomas giggling away with Aunt's so nice to watch my kids make others so happy. It was a small group and a mellow day, which was the perfect end to the holiday season. I really enjoyed my December Days...and Nights.
So to all my friends and family, I am sending you much love and joy this Christmas. xo - ag
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
More Counting
December 15 - oh no...I think this day may have been a catch up day. Jeff was home from his trip and we mostly played around the house...working on some Christmas crafts, organizing gifts, enjoying family.
December 16 - Make a gingerbread house...ok, I used a kit from Costco, but it was still fun...this is a first in our home, haven't done one before...and will do it again, but probably on a smaller scale, using graham crackers and cardboard to make a smaller house! Daddy even got in on the fun!

December 16 - Make a gingerbread house...ok, I used a kit from Costco, but it was still fun...this is a first in our home, haven't done one before...and will do it again, but probably on a smaller scale, using graham crackers and cardboard to make a smaller house! Daddy even got in on the fun!
December 17 - Make cookies for the Kalikimaka Hula party! Lillian won third place in the Hawaiian words game for her class...but she also cried and spazzed out a bit...short party, we were a bit late, lots of yelling answers...overwhelming for a three year old.
December 18 - hummm...not sure exactly what we did...I'm thinking we worked on finishing up some more of our crafty are some ornaments that we with paint!
December 19 - Breakfast with Santa! Thank you to Ms. Sandy! We joined the fun at the Jonathan Tarr Foundation Breakfast with Santa. We ate yummy pancakes, visited with Santa, won some raffle prizes (thanks Danny!), and watched some hula. What a fun day and definitely an event we will go to next year! Check out my sister Greta's blog for fun photos!
Later in the day, dressed in tank tops and shorts, we headed to Legoland with the Ott's and Auntie Maja! Fun stuff...I think Lillian's favorite was the Let it Snow musical show...with real "snow" aka soap bubbles...Jeff liked it, too, but don't tell him I told you!
December 20 - Christmas at Auntie Wilma + Uncle Will's house in Warner Springs. We celebrated with Jeff's family and cousins from Malcolm's was yummy and Lillian had fun with her daddy and Nick out in the hills, climbing rocks and hiking around. She also got way too many did Thomas, who slept through present opening.
December 21 - Give the teachers their Christmas presents. Lillian was very excited to surprise them with prAna shirts and homemade cards. We also went to the library and got to color some Christmas pictures.
December 22 - Cookie decorating at the Ott's. This is a family tradition! As children, my sisters and I would go to Great Grandma Greta's house to decorate sugar cookies and then eat tuna sandwiches for lunch. Greta has continued the tradition, but the kids ate PB & J and the adults had egg salad sandwich and salad...yummy. Lillian only decorated about 5 cookies, apparently cookie decorating is not her thing...she did enjoy "coloring" them with the food markers though...she is quite the meticulous artist...her 4 colored cookies took her a long wonder she only did 5! We also made an ornament craft! Yahoo!
December 23 - Heading to the mall...Carlsbad Mall, to enjoy the holiday decorations, and buy some last minute gifts. Today we also need to finish up all our handmade projects and wrap things up!
December 24 - Christmas Eve on Europa! With cousins in matching PJ's and cute hats. Loud music nothing like a polka party Must be Santa sing & dance -a-thon, walk to the beach with some caroling children, and yummy dinner! And the best part...Zhu Zhu hamsters for the kids, wow, who knew such a silly little toy could be so much fun!
We spent the morning baking scones and cookies, and right before we left for Grandma Joanie and Papa Phil's house we delivered treats to our neighbors and nearby friends! Fun!
December 25 - Hooray for Christmas! Santa brought Lillian all the goods for ballet and tap class, she was so excited, especially about the tap shoes! She also got some clothes, a computer game, and the Kitty fun! She loved all her gifts! Thomas got a stuffy Boxer dog that Lillian has named Scooby Lillian, it's a girl dog you know, the Fisher Price Farm House, a wood toy, a new ball, some cool shoes, bowls and a sippy cup. Hooray! was fun, hard at times just because the day would be busy with school...there were a few things that I didn't get to do that I really wanted to add...hopefully we will get to these next year...donate a toy, go ice-skating, Jungle Bells at the SD Zoo, Sea World. I hope Lillian enjoyed it as much as I did. I tried to focus on what we could create to have some Christmas Spirit instead of what we could buy or what gifts we wanted to recieve...Hope your holiday was filled with wonderful memories! Merry Christmas to all! xo - ag
Monday, December 14, 2009
Counting til Christmas
December 14 - Glitter time
We glittered up some pine cones and sand dollars today and our fingers!

December 13 - Pie Party
Happy Birthday Uncle Tim! Went to a pie party at the Ott' was a party alright. We ate yummy pie, played with our friends...and even got to see Vanessa and Jon, and little Mr. Walking Van. Hooray
December 12 - Oh no running out of things to was free day, finish up other project and wrap presents. Lillian worked on some of her projects, I wrapped presents and we watched Happy Feet!
December 11 - Craft Day. Make bags for gifts for some special family member.
I bought some basic bags at Joanne's and let Lillian go crazy with the fabric markers and a bit of paint. Not exactly the most beautiful bags you have ever seen, but they are her creations and they are made with love.
December 10 - Bake Cookies and color some ornaments with Finn

December 9 - Watch Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer
The one I used to watch...with the land of misfit toys...I bought it last year at Lou's on VHS...fancy!
Planning an activity and getting ready for it each day has definitely made me spend more time with my sweet little miss and we are loving it! Hooray for creating a memorable holiday season! xo -ag
We glittered up some pine cones and sand dollars today and our fingers!
December 13 - Pie Party
Happy Birthday Uncle Tim! Went to a pie party at the Ott' was a party alright. We ate yummy pie, played with our friends...and even got to see Vanessa and Jon, and little Mr. Walking Van. Hooray
December 12 - Oh no running out of things to was free day, finish up other project and wrap presents. Lillian worked on some of her projects, I wrapped presents and we watched Happy Feet!
December 11 - Craft Day. Make bags for gifts for some special family member.
I bought some basic bags at Joanne's and let Lillian go crazy with the fabric markers and a bit of paint. Not exactly the most beautiful bags you have ever seen, but they are her creations and they are made with love.
December 10 - Bake Cookies and color some ornaments with Finn
December 9 - Watch Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer
The one I used to watch...with the land of misfit toys...I bought it last year at Lou's on VHS...fancy!
Planning an activity and getting ready for it each day has definitely made me spend more time with my sweet little miss and we are loving it! Hooray for creating a memorable holiday season! xo -ag
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The counting continues
December 4 - Get our Christmas Tree
Lillian was so excited she even ate dinner outside to watch her daddy get it all ready to come inside! Here she is with our tree! Pretty Happy! She said getting the tree really meant that Christmas was coming!

Lillian with Teagan and Finn
The Cousins...with adorable hats knitted in the round by Greta
Lillian was so excited she even ate dinner outside to watch her daddy get it all ready to come inside! Here she is with our tree! Pretty Happy! She said getting the tree really meant that Christmas was coming!
December 5 - Encinitas Christmas Parade
We had a great time, got down to Encinitas super early, got a close parking spot, unloaded while both kids napped in the car, and then we got to enjoy the town a bit before the parade...stopping by Rustic Rooster for a photo with Santa, the Rooster was looking super cute, all dressed up for the holidays. Then we went over to check out the tree...hum, decided not to stay for the tree lighting, so back down the street we went...making our own parade, to get some food and get ready to watch the parade! Is there anything better than watching a bunch of Indian Guides go by...while enjoying good friends, yummy food, and for the grown-ups some wine! I spent more time chatting and drinking than parade watching, but Lillian watched the whole thing...and loved every moment of it!
December 6 - Write a letter to Santa
"Dear Santa" Lillian asked for ballet lessons. She dictated the letter, and asked Santa for a stuffie dog for her brother, I was trying to get her to say a piggy bank, it looks like he will be getting a stuffie instead! She did sign her name on the we need Santa to write her back...
December 7 - Shop for stuffing stuffers for her cousins
Online, of course, we picked out some little beanie baby bears for Dev, Finn, and Malley. New with tags from Ebay!
December 8 - Make Snowman Cards for her teachers!
Found this craft in Family Fun. We had fun, although I did have a hard time letting her do it all. We created a snowman body, top hat, and carrot stamp out of the felt used to put under chairs. Lillian painted the stamp and stamped them on paper. We added some dots for eyes, mouth, and buttons. Then we personalized our cards for each of her teachers, including Mr. Troy the Music teacher. She finished each card by writing her own name.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Day 2 & Day 3
Counting the days until Christmas...hooray, it's so much fun!
Day 2 - Make and Eat rice krispie treats
I know not really a Christmas thing, but we used our Christmas cookie cutters to make them into fun shapes...and it was a great ways to get rid of the marshmallows and some old cereal...Lillian thought it was pretty fun to use all the sprinkles to decorate them!
Day 2 - Make and Eat rice krispie treats
I know not really a Christmas thing, but we used our Christmas cookie cutters to make them into fun shapes...and it was a great ways to get rid of the marshmallows and some old cereal...Lillian thought it was pretty fun to use all the sprinkles to decorate them!
Day 3 - Oceanside Tree Lighting
Yahoo for Oceanside, we had a great time at the Sunset Market and Tree Lighting! Santa arrived on a decorated fire truck, a big countdown, tree lighting, and the Military Band was rocking. Lillian's favorite parts...the big tree and the music. We saw lots for our neighbors and friends, ate some food, and danced on stage. Grandma Joanie joined us for the fun, which made the night even more special!
check out his new hat knitted by Auntie Greta!
Can't wait for more holiday fun! xo -ag
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Creating a new tradition
I have wanted an advent calendar for years...and not one with chocolate in it, but one where you put something in each day. This has been an ongoing process, a few years ago I cut out 24 mini mittens, actually I cut out 48 and cuffs and I still need to sew them together. Before that, I bought little boxes that I thought I could wrap with scrapbooking paper and stack...and donated those to the DAV after they sat for over year. I had planned on stuffing the pockets/boxes with ornaments for a Lillian Christmas tree and I have the ornaments, bought online, still in their packaging. And now finally in 2009, I have discovered my new idea, my new tradition, and it makes me happy.

Today, December 1st, is day one...I explained my plan to Lillian last night and this morning when she woke up, she was very excited and told Jeff that she thought he was Santa...when we got out of bed we went to find the calendar on the wall and pull out the first slip...Make Snowflakes! Yeah, she was so excited. And we did make snowflakes, I did all the cutting, and she watched in awe as those little snips with scissors turned into beautiful snowflakes when unfolded...and then she become the art director and sequin glue-er...and even when it was getting way too messy, I remember that this is Christmas and we are having a great time together...and isn't that what it's all about!
Well, friends that story doesn't end there...well actually, it doesn't begin there, because our day started with an impromptu trip to the outlet mall in Carlsbad and a visit with Santa...there was no's my first year taking Lillian to a mall Santa...and I convinced her to sit with him because her Bubby was going to sit,'s amazing how a little brother changes everything...too bad today's note didn't read...Visit Santa, oh was a 2 for 1 sort of day...

Ok, we did have to wait in line for a little bit, and here is a great shot of Finn and Malley eating the candy canes while we niece and nephew are pretty cute and silly!
Hooray for December...xo -agatha
Though my calendar is a not exactly what I hoped for, it will work and maybe I will finish those mittens...not that those are perfect either...but at least I have the concept in here is how it works...I am stuffing each day with a Christmas activity...some are extravagant, others very small, but all focus on creating lasting memories for Lillian and one day, Thomas I am hoping to share with them the joy of this magical season Christmas.
Today, December 1st, is day one...I explained my plan to Lillian last night and this morning when she woke up, she was very excited and told Jeff that she thought he was Santa...when we got out of bed we went to find the calendar on the wall and pull out the first slip...Make Snowflakes! Yeah, she was so excited. And we did make snowflakes, I did all the cutting, and she watched in awe as those little snips with scissors turned into beautiful snowflakes when unfolded...and then she become the art director and sequin glue-er...and even when it was getting way too messy, I remember that this is Christmas and we are having a great time together...and isn't that what it's all about!
Ok, we did have to wait in line for a little bit, and here is a great shot of Finn and Malley eating the candy canes while we niece and nephew are pretty cute and silly!
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