December has been a busy month...both with all the holiday hoopla and with Mr. Thomas. He is growing so fast...and getting to be such a big boy...he still loves his sissy, giggles almost on command, and is mostly happy! I still wish he would sleep longer...but he falls asleep easily and back to sleep easily, so I'm not going to complain (that much). He's have hit some notable milestones this month...his Bla Bla tiger is going to have to change his name many times this month...
First, he sat...barely, but he sat, nose touching the floor, but he got stronger day by day! first sit November 27th
Then to my surprise, he rolled over, from back to front (honestly, I didn't think he was ever going to roll over)! December 22

And now, he is eating his rice cereal...yummy... December 26th
Oh my baby boy is getting so big...I want him to be my sack of potatoes again...xo -ag
cute!! I don't get the part about the tiger?
Lillian named the tiger...Layer, because that was what the baby would do first and then she was going to change the name as the baby did more things...Layer, Roller, Sitter, Crawler, Walker...etc...does that make sense?
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