Lillian was so excited she even ate dinner outside to watch her daddy get it all ready to come inside! Here she is with our tree! Pretty Happy! She said getting the tree really meant that Christmas was coming!
December 5 - Encinitas Christmas Parade
We had a great time, got down to Encinitas super early, got a close parking spot, unloaded while both kids napped in the car, and then we got to enjoy the town a bit before the parade...stopping by Rustic Rooster for a photo with Santa, the Rooster was looking super cute, all dressed up for the holidays. Then we went over to check out the tree...hum, decided not to stay for the tree lighting, so back down the street we went...making our own parade, to get some food and get ready to watch the parade! Is there anything better than watching a bunch of Indian Guides go by...while enjoying good friends, yummy food, and for the grown-ups some wine! I spent more time chatting and drinking than parade watching, but Lillian watched the whole thing...and loved every moment of it!
December 6 - Write a letter to Santa
"Dear Santa" Lillian asked for ballet lessons. She dictated the letter, and asked Santa for a stuffie dog for her brother, I was trying to get her to say a piggy bank, it looks like he will be getting a stuffie instead! She did sign her name on the we need Santa to write her back...
December 7 - Shop for stuffing stuffers for her cousins
Online, of course, we picked out some little beanie baby bears for Dev, Finn, and Malley. New with tags from Ebay!
December 8 - Make Snowman Cards for her teachers!
Found this craft in Family Fun. We had fun, although I did have a hard time letting her do it all. We created a snowman body, top hat, and carrot stamp out of the felt used to put under chairs. Lillian painted the stamp and stamped them on paper. We added some dots for eyes, mouth, and buttons. Then we personalized our cards for each of her teachers, including Mr. Troy the Music teacher. She finished each card by writing her own name.
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