Something about knowing what to expect each day makes life ok, even thought it's not spontaneous or even overly's definitely a life I enjoy living. I have even found some time to create my list of things I would like to do...make felt food for lil's kitchen (hopefully, some will be crafted from recycled wool sweaters...time will tell), train elliptically (got to buy that thing), craft some surprises for Lil's birthday (better start working on that) I just need to get by butt in the garage...
Speaking of assets, here's a photo that Lillian took of me the other day...of her Mommy's best feature...I do love my legs!
And here's what Lillian picked out to wear that same day...Pretty cute, huh? Got to love shorts when it's raining...babylegs did save the day!
Things are just moving along, at a pace I enjoy, without extraneous stress...I'm loving it...xo-ab
PS - Things with my grandma are great. Her children are rallying around her, she is feeling lifted by their energy and gaining back her sense of silly sassyness. It feels like the weigh I was carrying has been lifted, and I no longer cringe when my cell phone rings. Hopefully, we can find a fix to this situation that keeps things going in this direction, it looks pretty good!
PPS - only because it makes me laugh

PPPS - I never did this video, I swear, but I did have a crush on Eric when he was on Real World...I was young, what can I say.
opps..i think i did the Grind Workout one time with the AhSings...pepperseed...pepperseed.???
For some reason I am not suprised at all...go Maja, go Maja!
You thought I wouldn't check to see if you started writing? I love it. I love it. I love it.
I cried while reading your posts, and wanted to give you a hug. And was so proud of you for being able to love your Grandma Shirley so much. I want a grand-daughter like you one day. I also want to be a mom like you.
And I love your legs too. You have great legs! I love that picture.
And I did do THE GRIND workout video!!!! I think I had three versions of it. I am pathetic. I used to do anything just to be able to dance.
I hope you don't mind that I am going to be a regular visitor to your blog. you! thanks for leaving a comment, for feeling my pain, and for doing the after
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