Thursday, January 3, 2008


I love swings, I really do. There is something so peaceful and soothing in swinging. Tonight, Lillian demanded that we go to the park, even though it was nearly dark, so we drove, even though it's just down the street, and played at the park. And as the sun was setting, we were swinging together on the swings, her legs wrapped around mine, and it just made everything go away. The sky was beautiful with dark and light colored clouds, the air calm, an occasional bird flying by and it made me feel better. It also made Lil happy and that always makes me happy.

The doctor visit with Grandma Shirley went OK today. I did cry, but mostly because the nurse, who is also a friend from high school, started to get teary. She also loves the Shirl, and it hurt her to see her in her current state, but hopefully we can make the best of it. I guess we will just wait and see.

In the meantime, you might just find me in line at the swing set. Hey, get off my toilet.
xo -ab

1 comment:

greta ott said...

I like your words. you do a good job.
love, go