The invites
Good Morning Balloon Decorations...aka My Mom is a Dork!

Hats and fishy favors

Sharing some fishy fun...but, all she want's to do is dance!

Lillian with Grandpa Malcolm, Grandma Terry, and cute!

Birthday Cake

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear lillian...

The kidlets...playing together

thanks everybody...
and I leave you with a family dad, my grandma shirley, my mom, my was an extra special treat for us to have papa phil, grandma shirley, and janeann, all here at our makes me happy and it makes grandma shirley happy. I don't know how it happen or why it happen, and I think most people feel this way about their children, but Lillian is really special. She draws you out of yourself and into her world, she really makes so many people feel special and important. I watch her in awe nearly every day, as she connects with people in such a way that as we age, we forget how to do it. But she loves grandma shirley and I feel like when grandma shirley is around her nothing else really matters. My grandma is so wonderful with children...she really is. I know my sister will vouch for me on this one! I just hope that she holds onto that part of herself for her entire life...whether or not grandma knows my name, I want her to look into the eyes of a child and feel the happiness, the hope, the joy...the things that we all forget as we grow older and wiser, at least that's what they tell us...I think that is one piece of the shirl I want to carry forever...her love of children, the way she makes small people feel's a gift she gave me for sure! Thanks grandma shirley, we all love you lots and lots!

hopefully, you are ok with your photos being "out there" if I posted it on here today...if not, please let me know, and if you want to see more of uncle tim and aunt greta's awesome photos from Lillian's birthday please let me know and I will send them your way...those two really are an amazingly artist team. They do great work...thanks for reading...xo -ab
so sad I missed it. Dance party USA.
I Love that picture of the kids playing. lillian looks so pretty with her cropped hair and pretty dress. Does she sing, because I feel a little julie andrews, sound of music look to her. Very stunning little lady you have!
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