Tuesday, May 20, 2008


This is the green photo I had in mind for today. These are the leaves from the ficus tree that Jeff and I removed from our backyard. It was a big ugly tree, and I really didn't like it. Why? because I hate raking leaves...so after 4 years of living with it, I convinced Jeff to chop it down. The leaves really are pretty in the photo, just not so much in real life.

So today, as I looked though all my photos I found lots of good green shots. Lush green landscape photos from vacations, the green in Mikayla's wedding, photos of plants...tons of photos...so I am trying to pick my favorites, the best greens I've got...

Variegated bamboo at the z-o-o
Lovely green vine thing growing near the ocean in Kauai
the plants and shells used in Mikayla & Brian's wedding

Scooby in an apron...he was such a good sport Blankey time, Lilly and Scooby
Family hike with Pete & Katie in Kailua
Lillian at her first baseball game
in her pink Padres hat with a green frog
Lillian painted herself green...
this is the day she spilt her lip and got stitches
Silly Maja in a green dress...Josh is silly, too
Kiwi love...do you see the heart?
Hope you had a great green day...xo -ag

1 comment:

Nikki said...

I love all the green pictures. This is such a fun game:) I like the leaves, and the hike, and the baseball game is one of my favorites. And in the purple pictures, I think Lillian takes after her mom:)

Ah, my baby just woke up....He can't decide if he wants to sleep or eat. Poor guy is over tired.