Tuesday, January 15, 2008

5 Buncos, 2 wipeouts, and a baby...

and I won $40 bucks. It was a big day for Mrs. Brown today. It was bunco night, in case you didn't figure that out already, and it was a big day. And the stars were aligned, the moon was right, and it was all good...at least I am hoping so...

My five (5) buncos...
Cheers, it was a lucky bunco night for me, five bunco, which won me the $40 bucks, with a $10 buy in, but who cares about that part...anyway I decided to dedicate each one to someone for something that left a mark tonight...

For the Golden Margaritas...from Jose Cuervo
Try it, you'll like it, try it, you'll like it...there's a party in my tummy, so yummy, so yummy...really, try it, you will like it...yummy yummy...I know bad place to start, but nothing starts off this blog better than a good drink...

For my sister Greta, who is so solid when I need her. She rocks my socks and even when I give her a hard time it comes from love, and regardless of the situation, I know that she will always be on my team, and that counts more than anything...so G-love sorry I joked you tonight (and every other night that I do) but remember, I love you no matter what, you are my people

For Lani, for reading my blog, for feeling my pain, and for being woman enough to say something about it. Lani, you rock, I feel so lucky to be your friend, because truly you are my sister's friend...but I like you lots and I admire and respect you. I think you are amazing, and I celebrate you for being you...regardless. And it makes me happy to see you in a place where you do the same thing. You are one of a kind.

For my friend Nikki...I know you don't play bunco with us, but if you lived here you know I would make you play. I love you so much. I am happy when I read you comments, and I think of you all the time. You are etched in Lillian brain forever, New York City, Nikki, Derek and Duece are a part of her memory...she runs though it ever night before she falls asleep...and I am excited for you guys and your baby boy...

And for Courtney, for hosting us tonight, for letting me be loud in your house. For having a perseceptive and an angle on life. I love you and your boys, and I love watching you all be together, Michael, too, of course. It makes me want to tie you all up in a bow and just take you home...

2 wipeouts...
for watching my uncle today...watching as he let go of all his feelings. Watching him feel all his feeling...it made my heart hurt, but at the same time I am happy. These are the right feelings to be feeling, and it's ok for everyone to express them as they wish. And it made me see my grandma shirley again. I still see parts of her every time we visit, but today I saw more of her, the whole her. I saw her be mommy to her son, as he was sad, and it made her sad, but that was ok, because part of healing is being sad, it is expressing your feeling, and I got to watch and help heal, at least I hope I helped. But I am happy about the choice my father has made and I support him. He is my dad after all, whose side did you really think I would be on?

for my husband, who crunched the car in front of him as he was getting off the freeway...coming home so I could go play the buncos...minor, but still a sucky bummer...

1 baby...
Little Mr. Bunco baby born on bunco night and a boy at that....and I kept saying it was a girl, but as Greta pointed out it had to be a boy, and it did...coming full circle really is special. What a lucky boy...congrats to the new parents, you did great work! And we all cheered, and had goosebumps...his entrance made us all feel special...

love you all....thanks for reading...now leave a comment so I know you are there. Writing, putting it into words that others read, it feels good, and it makes me feel better...xo -ab


Nikki said...

Congrats on the $40! And I am jealous of the margaritas! And I feel SPECIAL (honestly) to be one of the dedications, and more special to be etched into Lillian's brain (the almost-two-year-old-cutest-girl-ever). I'm all teary eyed -- maybe b/c it is 3am and I am up awake (which used to be cool,but now makes me feel like a total loser) with horrible heartburn and miserable and stressed from work, or maybe just b/c I am pregnant and I get teary very easily (well, you know I get teary easily pregnant or not) -- but I actually know deep down it is your blog. Each time I visit it, I cry. Which is a nice thing:) I miss you. I'll cheer you on in spirit every Bunco night.

greta ott said...

hey, this squirrel really likes you. even if I am a bit of a nut hoarder. So what are you??

greta ott said...
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Katie said...

well..not pregnant, but shirley (no pun intended)teary eyed! I am not a just a friend of your sister's, but lucky for me, a friend of all the morgan (formerly morgan) girls. I love you in my life, for the laughing, tears and most importantly the margaritas! so excited you too have a blog....we will get jenni reading and caught up in no time!
love you

The jacks said...

I love your blog and seeing photos of your little Lillian. I feel your pain as my grandma is going through what your grandma is going through and it is harder on us then on them. Bunco and margaritas. Sounds like a fun mix.

Johnson's in NY said...

Gosh, I feel famous to have been mentioned in your blog:) And as I sit here, teary eyed, holding my milk comatosed baby, I think about why I have always loved you Morgan girls... you are all so real and I love you for it.

Krenkler Family said...

Aggie, thanks for writing about my baby boy, I enjoyed reading all your posts! Keep it up:)